简介:When miners blast for gold in the 1870's, they accidentally release ancient creatures known as Tommyknockers. The Town of Deer Creek, Nevada is soon under siege with only a handful of survivors held up in the local saloon.
主演:摩根·弗里曼 Chelsia Rose Marcius Erik J. Jensen Jeff Dumas Charles Guess Charles A. Gardner Jamie Scalise Jason Gaines Clark Richey Ronnie Yelverton Caleb Ivy Rico Fielder Rick Vyper Tim Tanner Destry Mushtare 布雷迪·刘易斯
简介:Thomas, the father of 12-year-old Paul, has disappeared without a trace for a year now. When the boy and his best friend Max spend the summer holidays on the Swabian Alb, the two try to investigate the disappearance of Paul's father. To do this, they want to find a legendary cave that Thomas studied. But his notes have to be deciphered first. They also have to deal with wild an...
简介:《与鲨共舞》是一部具有启示性的系列纪录片,旨在揭示对鲨鱼的奇想并破除鲨鱼是冷血杀手的神话。博物学家兼鲨鱼专家史蒂夫·贝克肖(Steve Backshall)让我们更接近鲨鱼,揭示了一个由400多种不同类型组成的的家族。这场全球之旅将从阿拉斯加冰冷的海水出发,到达热带地区,再深入我们的海洋深处。史蒂夫将与尖端科学家合作,从发光的鲨鱼到在陆地上行走的鲨鱼,再到500多年前的古老鲨鱼,都将有新的发现。现在,这个不可思议的家庭比以往任何时候都更需要我们的帮助。由于过度捕捞、割鱼翅和栖息地破坏,我们每小时都会失去11000多条鲨鱼。史蒂夫将直面令人不安的真相,并与全球各地的鲨鱼倡导者一起帮助扭转鲨鱼的潮流。与这个令人恐惧但被误解的捕食者针锋相对,史蒂夫将以全新的视角揭示鲨鱼。 制作:True To Nature